I have an update on the latest political news, and as promised, I will share some of the article by Dana Milbank for The Washington Post, "The last remnants of the Republican Party died in Iowa."


In one section, Milbank describes some of Trump's only speech in Iowa. It begins with a Campaign Video that proclaims that Trump is "God's" Candidate and that he was created to fix our country.

Here is an excerpt from the article. 

“We’ve got a crooked country,” run by “stupid people,” “corrupt,” “incompetent,” “the worst.”

Trump, in the gospel according to Trump, was the victim of “hoaxes,” “witch hunts,” “lies,” “fake indictments,” “fake trials,” judges who “are animals,” a “rigged election,” “rigged indictments,” and a “rigged Department of Justice where we have radical left, bad people, lunatics.

The nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., “is a rat-infested, graffiti-infested shithole,” he said, with swastikas all over the national monuments.

His opponents, the prophet Trump continued, are “Marxists,” “communists,” “fascists,” “liars, cheaters, thugs, perverts, frauds, crooks, freaks, creeps,” “warmongers” and “globalists.”

Immigrants are like a “vicious snake,” whose “bite is poisonous,” he told them, and there is an “invasion” at the border by “terrorists,” “jailbirds,” and “drug lords.”

“Our country is dying,” he informed them. And, by the way, “You’re very close to World War III.”

Have a nice day!" 

End quote

Since Milbank wrote the article, DeSantis has dropped out, and even though Nikki Haley may be a bump up from this, more and more Republicans are publicly supporting the MAGA Candidate, Donald Trump. 

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