The Headlines are everywhere:

The Washington Post: "A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending."

The Nation: "This is How Trump Becomes a Dictator."

The Guardian: "The US could be under a rightwing dictator."

Vanity Fair: "Trump Makes it Clear He'd be an Out and Out Dictator if Reelected in 2024."

The Atlantic, The New York Times, and, of course, TV News have all written and produced stories that lay out how Trump's people plan to Hijack our Republic and chang our form of Government from Democratic to Dictatorship.

Today, some of Trump's allies pushed back on social media. Senator JD Vance wrote, "Everyone needs to take a chill pill."

Those seven words aren't comforting when all you have to do is log on to the PROJECT 2025 website.

You can find a visible step-by-step plan to reshape the executive branch of the US Federal Government if Republicans/Trump wins the Presidential Election.

The plan includes consolidating the power now shared by three branches of Government into a stronger Executive Branch.

Hmmm? Rewriting the Constitution to destroy "Separation of Powers?" It sounds very "Dictator-leaning" to me.

For this Political Woman Podcast Episode, I share parts of the 6,000-word plus Opinion Essay by Robert Kagan. "A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending."

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