Illegal Drug Overdose Deaths Rise - How Addiction is Killing Us

The latest from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is that “more than 96,000 drug overdose deaths” were reported from March 2020 to March 2021.

This statistic means that Drug overdose deaths have increased nearly 30% compared to 2019. 

Addiction Medicine Specialist Dr. Trent Hall of Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center calls it a “collision of health crises.”

It appears that there is a link between the COVID Pandemic and U.S. drug overdose deaths.

It’s an easy, simple reason. We like simple; we like easy. “Take a pill and call me in the morning” is a good remedy.

In this One-On-One, I speak with the author of “Weed, Inc. The Truth About THC, The Pot Lobby and Commercial Marijuana Industry.” 

For more on this story, please check out my website

I will post additional information on this topic, and stay tuned; I’m purchasing a couple of copies of Ben Cort’s book and giving them away to listeners and YouTube viewers.