How to Survive Tough Times: Talk to Each Other I attempted to write and recorded this episode of One-On-One early Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021.

I planned to get it posted before the end of the day.

But our house was filled with chaos today. Aiden had his first football game, Alexandra was volunteering at the Game. All I wanted to do was drop off our ballots. As I gathered my thoughts for this podcast, I wrote a post for my new newsletter on Substack. Please check it out. "Let's Talk - One-On-One."

I was interrupted 75 times by family members. All that said, it is nice to be needed.

So I decided to produce an unscripted, live-to-Adobe Audition Episode. I originally called it "Thinking About 9-11, Thoughts From My Psycho Ward." 

Because I feel like I'm living in a Crazy World, inside my house and out.

But I'm surviving just like the rest of you, my dear, sweet listeners. And I'm soooo GLAD TO BE ALIVE. 

At the end of the episode, I remind everybody again to talk to each other. And say, I Love You!