Former President Donald Trump was Arrested Today, he was booked, electronic fingerprinted, and then appeared before a judge in Miami Federal Court. 

He did not speak. His lawyers pleaded Not Guilty. Then he was released. 

Also in court, Trump's valet, assistant and co-conspiracy defendant Waltine Nauta. 

Trump faces 37 Federal Criminal Charges, related to the Classified Documents he moved from the White House to his home at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida. He says he had the right to move them and keep them. 


In this episode of Political Woman, I look at the 31 Espionage Charges. This will give you an idea of what is in the documents that Trump kept in a bathroom, one of the Mar-a-Lago Ballrooms, on his desk, and in various hallways and unlocked storage rooms. 

The secret Classified documents can mean life or death for Americans in the military or in Government Service. The legal penalities for retaining Classified Documents are strict and have resulted in lengthy prison sentences and in some cases the death penalty.

I will post more on my website,