Some of the guests will be Shannon Crossbear, Peter Champoux, Carole Blodgett, Cathy Roberts + others.

From Shannon Crossbear

"Find a place. Share with us where you will be setting your intention in this wave. The waters are in movement. Creeks, in to rivers, in to lakes, in to oceans, in to sky, in to earth, in to us."

"Go to the water. Set your intention. Sing to the water. Reawaken the genetic connection to the source and recommit to nurture and sustain that which support life.Contribute to the wave. One heart. One prayer. Water we love you. We thank you. We respect you. We will protect you." Written by Shannon Crossbear.

 From Carole Blodgett

"The healing connection that is broken and in the most need of repair is the Human to Water connection. In the time when the whole world carried their water they loved and respected it as SacredWater*. At that time we went to the water twice a day bringing our prayers, thoughts and songs of love, respect, and gratitude to the water to heal it. Now so many just turn on the tap without a thought of the SacredWater that gives them life!! We had/have prayers used before crossing our SacredWaters on foot or in canoes; these prayers recognize that SacredWater can be soft and gentle or hard and forceful. We all had SacredWater blessing songs and ceremonies. These ways are not lost, they may be laid down. Even if there is no one that remembers them, the SacredWater remembers them and when we spend time with our ancestral waterways dropping tobacco as we walk in time if you ask with an open loving heart the songs and blessings will come to you.