Join Heidi Little, and Bob Challenger as we present special guests who are focused on the waters and raising awareness about the waters. We welcome Carole Bubar-Blodgett - she is the 'Water is Life Walks' lady! And more guests tba. Celebrate, Activate, One Love Rising.

 Water is Life Walks ~ to heal our Sacred Waters and bring the People back to the Sacred Water

Each step is a prayer. As we carry the Sacred Water with love, respect, and gratitude;

our footsteps transfer those energies into the land where it is picked up by every drop of

water in the soil and that is then passed on to the water within the roots of all plants and

trees and the bodies of every burrower. As the drops gather into streams, creeks,

brooks and rivers the finned, winged and the 4 legged come to the SacredWater and

they too pick up those energies. Praying for the Sacred Water is praying for every thing

and everyone ~ for nothing lives without water.

We walk because the ancestors walked ~ by walking we follow in their footsteps and

can pick up the treasures” that where left along the trail!! The Seventh Fire Prophecy

tells us to pick up the treasures left by the ancestors and bring them back. One of the

“treasures” that was left for us to pick up is the connection of Human Beings to the

SacreWater that birthed us all. When we find or rebirth this connection we begin to

move from seeing Water as a resource into the deeper understanding that Sacred Water

is the SOURCE of Life. That process helps return the sacred nature of water back into

the word and our understanding of that sacredness