Why should we take time out of our day or set aside a special day each year for gratitude. Chris and Debbie discuss the power of gratitude and it's role and benefit in their lives, including grounding them in the present moment. What are they thankful for and how do they practice gratitude? Listen in to see if you're on the same page!

They go on to acknowledge the difficulty of this holiday season for many, as a time that's already heavy for so many, bears the extra burden of loneliness and isolation this year.

They wrap things up with a new segment, The Mail Bag, where they answer questions from the Go Bucket Yourself community. In this episode, they answer a question from Danielle about meditation. She said,

"...would love to see...what meditation has done for you! I need the motivation."

Resources in today's episode:

Official show notes - gobucketyourself.com/episode24Daily Calm - meditation app we use30-day free guest pass - gobucketyourself.com/calmGuided flow and meditation with Elena Bower playlist on Spotify - https://gobucketyourself.com/deepbreathWild Geese by Mary OliverThe Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Stay in touch!

🌎 gobucketyourself.com Chris @bucketyourself on Insta Deb @imperfectprogress.me on Insta Get Deb’s book HERE