Frances Pullin is a medium, channeler, author, and spiritual teacher who shares how she entered this spiritual path after the unexpected passing or her son. Frances has always been gifted with all-knowing, but did not really understand it until studying meditation, automatic writing and channeling in 2005. She began to trust what she was being taught. It was so familiar and began to answer many of her questions about life here on earth.

It is I Amadeus; Channeled Messages from Spirit was published in 2015 and contains excepts from Frances’ own personal journey and many things she has learned of spirituality since the passing of her son, Damon, in 2003 of a heart attack at age 33.

Her latest book, Loving the Me in Me, chronicles her childhood and her discovery at age 68 on how to love herself. It was a journey of forgiveness and acceptance of who she has become. It has taken three long years of personal growth work to bring this to fruition. 

She may be reached at 714-904-8395, [email protected], or