How strong’s your self-awareness? Do you feel strongly about the life you’re living, as though you’ve faced any and all self-doubt and have risen to seeing your internal mission a reality--whatever that may be? If the answer isn’t an ecstatic “Yes!” then it’s time you listen up as Matt Hogan, certified professional coach, shares his real-life experiences and advice for looking fear head-on and becoming utterly transformed.

Matt's journey has had many, many different routes. During his teens to early 20s he struggled with drug addiction, fought destructive relationships, and ran through the legal system. He traded those substance abuse addictions for addictions to work and society's definition of success. Ultimately, after years of career achievement, Matt decided it was time to leave his job and lean into experiential pursuits; in other words, to live a purposeful life. Hear his journey, listen to his personal advice, and learn the steps you need to face your reservations that hold you back from living a more authentic life.

Your new self’s waiting--start the conversation today!

Key Takeaways:

The needed friend. We all need a support system--someone we can lean on who gives us a trusting and safe space to be vulnerable--but what if you don’t have that someone? May the hunt begin! When looking for your biggest champion, look for these TWO qualities . . . [10:17].

The needed change. You’re living the “onscreen” life where you’re in a committed relationship, you have a good-paying job, and your annual getaways make others jealous, but still it remains--the void; that feeling that something’s missing. When do you know it’s time to shake things up? When your life starts to look like THIS . . . [22:04].

The needed practice. Every now and then you imagine living a new life that’s vastly different--so much so that it overwhelms you and you just can’t stop thinking about it. How can you tell if the idea is actually meaningful enough to look into or simply another fleeting daydream that passes by? Try this EXERCISE . . . [36:41].

The needed lesson. So often we do the work on ourselves--therapy, meditation practices, breaking bad habits–but in the end, the world around us hasn’t changed one bit. Is there a way to shape our surrounding culture and better ourselves at the same time? Yes! The SECRET is this . . . [47:08].

Tune in and turn the volume up for a dose of inspiration and life lessons. You're never more than One Idea Away from a whole, new reality.

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