I've got to tell you, this is a loaded subject for me!  Just a couple questions.  How often are you looking down at your phone?  How many people do you hear when you are focused with your head down?  Do your neck and shoulders get achy by the end of the day?

So what happens if all these apply?  You miss out, BIG time, if you're not looking up.  You're like yeah, right, Gail, big whup!  Well, from my perspective it is. Especially when I watch parents of little precious children totally ignore their kids on the play ground.  They'll yelling, look at me, push me, play with me, and yet, there they are on an impersonal machine.

I can rant a long time on this subject.  The drivers that think that a one minute glance on their phone to check a very insignificant message is more important than their life or someone else's...yeah I could rant a very long time on this.

But most importantly, I want to share a few recent observations of mine.  For example, Saturday, I was attending an event of a friend's and manned her booth for a time.  While I was there and talking to people I noticed a table across from us - because I looked up!!!  I was not looking at that little impersonal screen. 

And I discovered a new gem right here in my backyard.  A new women's organization that I truly connected with!  And 3 days later they requested I be their keynote speaker at their up and coming event!  Now that may not be a big win for you, but it was a 'knock your socks off' kind of thing for me!

So in this episode I want to encourage you to engage in conversation that does not revolve around your phone or iPad or any kind of device, but your mouth and your ears.  Try it, I do believe you'll like it more than you know.

And as I pass on a smile I want to SPOTLIGHT my friend and her wonderful mission.  Please share it. You can put smiles on many faces if you embrace
this and tell others about it, too.  And thank you.
Treasures of Joy

Passing On A Smile,