I know, you're probably smiling, thinking, yeah no kidding, Sherlock, that's the name of your show :-)

And yes, that is exactly why I named it this because without community, we suffer, whether you believe that or not!  People thrive, in my perspective, when you have a support group, a community of people that you can connect with.

And in this day and age, you may be thinking that's Social Media talk, but it's all kinds of connecting.  I network constantly and very consistently in our town, and not as often enough on Social Media.  But that is a promise I've made to myself and you - but you have to listen to hear more on that.

It took me much longer today to produce this as I've transitioned to Windows 10 and a whole new computer!  So I'm working to get the hang of the new stuff, but wow, everything looks different on here after being with Windows 7 for 10 years!!!

I hope you'll listen in to get a sneak peak of who will be part of my community of guests this year.  Starting off my "Leap of Faith" interview series will be my awesome friend, mentor, and show contributor, Cynthia Bazin.  She wasn't always a Laser Focused Mentor!  You'll be inspired by her story!

And then someone local to me that went from selling jewelry to designing her own.  A young man that had a very terrible and frightening health challenge and what he is doing with his life!

And in between I will continue to share my life lessons and dedicate my time and energy to building a community on my FaceBook Page where the Live Video interviews will be.  So please go to my page and like it to keep updated if you would rather watch than just listen to the show.

I will continue to provide the audio on here as well!

In the meantime, my awesome community, let's rock 2019 together! And  I'd love to hear how you feel about community!

Passing On A Smile,
