Are you always saying, 'when I get this, when I achieve this, when I meet someone', etc.?  If you are, then I believe that's what's called a 'holding pattern'.

When you're in a holding pattern in a plane it can feel pretty scary to be suspended up in the air.  Well, if you do that on the ground, waiting for something to come along, can be just as scary. Because your life is passing you by.

I share some of my current temporary holding patterns today, and I want to encourage you to look at your own holding patterns.  What is it you're waiting for?  Can you do something else while you're waiting?  Because sometimes what you want never comes.  And then what kind of regrets might you have?

I believe we might want to embrace what we have right in front of us while we're working towards what we feel is waiting for us.  I've been there.  Waiting for the right time to change jobs.  Waiting for the right time to end that bad relationship.  My list is long.  But I've learned, over time,  to focus on what I can do until I take those steps.  

Have you noticed that when you're waiting for that when, and it does happen, it doesn't release you from the waiting game?  It just changes.

So take a deep breath and examine what you're really waiting for.  Why are you floating in this self-proclaimed 'holding pattern'?  What if what you're waiting for never happens what have you missed while waiting.

I know too many people that life passed by because they were holding onto 'when this happens' never came.   

Have an awesome day - celebrate with passing on a smile to someone - make their day!  Then notice 'when' you do how it makes you feel :-)

Sending you my smile,
