I am so grateful, my awesome friend, Lisa Bechtol posted the Episode image and these words.  This post inspired this podcast episode!  Thank you, Lisa :-)


"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source
of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury,
and remedying it."
-- JK Rowling

#WeChoose #LookInTheMirror #icare #CareWarrior#Believe

I've spoken about the "Power of a Thank You" card, because that's the business I'm in.  I'm an "Appreciation Consultant" educating and helping people with Relationship Marketing...but most vital to this show is to reflect how magical words truly are.

This can be awesome magic, or black magic.  Depending on who is saying what and the words that are spoken.

Bullying has become an absolutely horrendous destructive behavior in our society.  From day care to senior care - age does not discriminate on people being nasty to someone, just because they choose to be.

I was bullied in school and my mother always said, remember:

"Sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you."

Isn't that way too scary to tell that to your kid?  But when I was growing up that was what was supposed to make me feel better, I guess. Well, I've learned and I'm sure you have to, that bones will heal, but that verbal abuse can dig in and linger in our hearts forever.

There have been young suicides due to online bullying.  People literally ganging up in their hatred because someone did not meet their standards.  Beyond terrifying.

But let's focus on the magic of awesome words. Magic happens when you encourage your child, friend or spouse, or anyone you know in the pursuit of their dreams or achievements.  What an incredible thing to be able to tell someone - "That was so awesome!  You're awesome.  I am so proud of you!  I know you'll make your dream come true.  You knocked it out of park..."  So forth and so on!

So think about it today, whether you're doing self-talk (boy can we destroy ourselves with that) or talking to a colleague or a loved one.  You pumping them up or dumping them down???  How have words spoken to you today felt, black magic or AWESOME encouraging magical magic?

I could go on and on on this subject, but I'll save some for another day!  Thanks for being an awesome listener!  I appreciate you soooo much!

Passing On A Smile,
