Previous Episode: The Bulldozer
Next Episode: Africans Must Stand Up

Why are you so blind on things that matters a lot to us and make up lies for your own satisfaction?
Open up your eyes and see

Look at the videos of Tanzanians marching outside in tears of sadness because our hero left us while we need him the most.
But at the same time, tears of joy because he made us proud. He has shown us the way, he has stirred up in us the spirit of loyalty, love for God, love for the country, and love for the beautiful continent of Africa.

This is how much #Magufuli meant to us.
He wasn’t just a president of Tanzania but he was the true son of Africa (a true hero in human form and not in fiction and story like your movies).
No matter how much you paint him bad you can’t take that away from us not with your news, not with articles or with your funny videos
Not again! Not anymore

A true leader will always stay alive in our heart, he has gone, but his legacy and work will forever live in us
Our generation & the world will hear the stories of #Magufuli from us and not from you.

We ain’t gonna be silent.
You ain’t gonna tell us what to do.
We know what we want and we gonna go after it, the best you can do is to stay back and enjoy the show.
Cause, If you can’t partner with us, please don’t pretend to walk with us.

Remember what your founding father said
-Abraham Lincoln
“It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”

CNN, is this the best you can do?
Read my comment in your video to learn just a bit about #Magufuli and see what he stood for. Maybe, next time you will do a better job with the title and your contents.
What’s so wrong with asking people to pray for COVID-19?
Aren’t you supposed to be a godly nation?
Aren’t you supposed to be the nation that says “in God we trust”?
We, Africans, believe in God and keep Him first in everything we do. That’s why we are still striving and shinning no matter how much you try to take our leaders down.
Maybe it’s time for you to pray as well, since things aren’t looking pretty good out there.

This isn’t the time to spread rumors and lies; rather, it’s time to stand together as a globe and pray to God while repenting and asking for His mercy and grace upon our lives.
Whether you believe in God or not, the truth is this: He created this world, He made us and He is the only one knows how to get us out of this crisis.
Maybe, it’s time to change our tactics because a man has a limit, but God doesn’t. See what’s going on around the’s clear we failed.
We need to surrender and get back on our knees. Magufuli knew that, and he wasn’t afraid to take an action. He didn’t stop even after being attacked by y’all✊🏿

Honestly, y’all should learn from him.
I hope you realize this before it’s too late.

I pray for peace, I pray for love
I pray for unity