Next Episode: We Can't Be Silent

Better to die as a hero than to live as cowards
-He refused to bow down to them
-He refused to accept their ideology
-He refused to travel abroad but rather to serve Tanzanians
-He loved Tanzania, he loved Africa
-He kept God first in everything
-He never missed a worship service
-He reduced his own salary
-He was a godly man
-Before he died he prayed for all the doctors
-He saw it coming but that didn’t stop him, he kept doing what was right in the eyes of God
-He wasn’t a perfect man but Tanzania is a better place now than ever before.
-He walked the talk
He fought the good fight, He finished the race, He kept the faith.
—Mika Chavala

Dear Western Media,

When Magufuli did not lock down the country, he was thinking of his people. The common mwananchi. Magufuli did not want to us to come to you with cupped hands as it is always expected by you. He wanted his people to stand on their feet with pride. He wanted his people to stop being neo-colonialistic. Not shutting down the economy of Tanzania drove the country to become a leading economy.

We know the Western world did not like him. Of course how could you have felt anything good for one who was against you. One who wanted to give Africa back her voice and strength? Magufuli worked hard at stopping the agenda of colonial exploitation of Tanzania's wealth. He worked hard to build infrastructure that could be used by Tanzania so we can start successfully among ourselves and Africa as a whole without the hinderance of unreliable roads et al. Utilizing the natural resources that Tanzania has, Magufuli was able to develop Tanzania from a third world country into a middle-class economy within just a short period of time. If I was in your shoes, I most probably would have hated him too. Understandably as the Western World simply can not be without exploiting Africa.

... Let me tell you more, Magufuli was God fearing. He was diligent. He was morally courageous. He had progressive vision. He has principle-centered vision. Magufuli demonstrated a selfless and people-driven leadership that continues to inspire the mwananchi. Magufuli was one of the few leaders that believed in his continent's abilities. He despised and acted against corruption. He chose to be a true African statesman. Magufuli loved his country with a passion. Magufuli loved his continent! He was so proud of his continent that he was ready to die for it!

Not everybody liked him and he was not without his critics. This is simply the way of the world. And not everything he did was agreeable. Again it is the way of the world. Like the opposition parties, which natural would as it is the job of an opposer, in believing that they can do better. Is that not their job? Just like a mistress will oppose the wife. It comes with the job description. I agree that in some instances, he could have done better, but the right that he did has been strongly felt.

I have a question for you Western Media, with your world being so full of faults and ugliness, why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? I humbly ask that you use that energy you have on Africa on your planks.

Tanzanians, let us all be like Magufuli! Let us all stand for truth, moral courage and emotional fortitude for this is the best way to stand up to bullies, as a dear aunt says. Let us continue loving Africa and standing for Africa.

Lala salama, baba Magufuli. Lala salama, a great son of the soil. We thank you for your leadership. We celebrate you, baba.
God bless, Tanzania!
—Sandra Mushi