In this episode, Chris has the pleasure of sitting down with another top star of not only REACH Wrestling but British wrestling as a whole - 'The English Lion' Eddie Ryan!

Eddie has been a force in British wrestling for a number of years, holding titles pretty much everywhere he has been and travelling the world in the process. He is currently the #1 contender to the REACH Heavyweight championship (currently held by Charlie Sterling), and as you'll hear in this interview, Eddie is very accustomed to big-stage matches, especially if front of his hometown crowd in Plymouth.

Hear Eddie discuss how he first discovered wrestling, who were his early heroes and how he carved an in-ring career for himself. Also, we hear what it was like when he shared the ring with legends such as Hardcore Holly, Tommy Dreamer, current AEW star Jake Hager, and even wrestling future WWE Champion Drew McIntyre for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship!

To top it off, Eddie shares the story of how he helped bring 5-Star Wrestling and WWE NXT to Plymouth, as well as how the reaction he received from the crowd caused Triple-H to call an audible and make changes on-the-spot to an NXT show!

Eddie will face Charlie Sterling for the REACH Heavyweight Championship in Plymouth on Saturday 5th December.

You can find many of Eddie's matches on YouTube, including those against Hardcore Holly and Jake Hager.

To find out more about Eddie Ryan's latest news and appearances, be sure to check out his social media pages:

Facebook: Eddie Ryan

Instagram: @englishlion1

And to find out more about REACH Wrestling's upcoming shows, and for more information on the REACH Academy:


Facebook: @REACHwrestling

Instagram: @reach_wrestling

Twitter: @REACHWrestling

And also check out loads of free content - including matches from their free 'UNIT 10' shows - available on the REACH Wrestling YouTube channel

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**Theme song 'Halloween Night' used courtesy of Jayde Garrow.**