After speaking with REACH Wrestling's Jason King in our last episode, it seemed only fitting to welcome Jason's tag team partner and current REACH Academy champion Jordan Sparkes to the show!

Jordan shares his earliest memories and inspirations as a kid growing up discovering wrestling for himself, and how and when he decided to pursue his own in-ring career. We also delve into the 'art of the promo' and Jordan's own experience of trying to hone the perfect heel character.

The 'Diamond In The Rough' also discusses the importance of winning the REACH Academy Championship, his favourite matches as a fan and performer (thus far), who he has learned most from in his REACH journey to date and - as is becoming a new tradition - who would make the cut on his own 'Mount Rushmore' of wrestling.

To find out more about Jordan Sparkes' latest news and appearances, be sure to check out his social media pages:

Facebook: @JordanSparkesPW

Instagram: @jordansparkespw

Twitter: JordanSparkes7

And to find out more about REACH Wrestling's upcoming shows, and for more information on the REACH Academy:


Facebook: @REACHwrestling

Instagram: @reach_wrestling

Twitter: @REACHWrestling

And also check out loads of free content - including matches from their free 'UNIT 10' shows - available on the REACH Wrestling YouTube channel

Enjoyed this episode?  Please be sure to subscribe and also follow on social media for further news of future shows.

Facebook: @OnceUponATurnbuckle

Instagram: @onceuponaturnbuckle

Twitter: @TetreaultBlay

**Theme song 'Halloween Night' used courtesy of Jayde Garrow.**