BTC $ 54,780 

Today's guest on the show is @HillebrandMax, the Baddest Ass Sovereign Individual you will likely ever know.

What has @HillebrandMax been helping build out with the @WasabiWallet team and how are they looking at how to improve conjoining?

How is @HillebrandMax preparing for the future and what is giving him hope?

Why are entrepreneurs under attack and how does #Bitcoin give them a weapon and a voice to stand up to overbearing policies?

What area of privacy in #Bitcoin can be improved and where does this lead for the future of corporations entering into the #Bitcoin space?

A huge thank you to @Hillebrand Max for taking the time to come on the show and share his experiences and insights.

Learn more about Max here

I stand on the shoulders of giants, these guys are amazing.

Thank you:

@coinfloor @swanbitcoin @relai_ch @ShiftCryptoHQ for your trust and support.

@jimreapermusic for creating

@hodlerthanthou and the Britcoiners @twentyoneism.

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