BTC $ 56,833

Today's guest on the show is @heavilyarmedc from the excellent Bitcoin Echo Chamber podcast and co-creator of the website and Twitter account  @WTF_1971

Listen to how @heavilyarmedc fell into the rabbit hole and what set of life's circumstances set him up to sniff out and more importantly call out Bullshit when he sees it.

What set of events found him staring up at the night's sky and staring down the epiphany that everything up until that point had been a lie.

How does Colin explain WTF happened in 1971 to a 10-year-old and how did www.wtfhappenedin1971 help me personally to finalise my thoughts and help others.

Huge respect to @heavilyarmedc for all of his work in the #Bitcoin space. Creating @WTF_1971 with @Mrcoolbp has been an incredible resource, responsible for orange pilling many people.

His podcast is also a must listen and has gained huge respect from his show and website sponsor @river.

Peace brother @heavilyarmedc

I stand on the shoulders of giants, these guys are amazing.

Thank you:

@coinfloor @swanbitcoin @relai_ch @ShiftCryptoHQ for your trust and support.

@jimreapermusic for creating

@hodlerthanthou and the Britcoiners @twentyoneism.

Apple Pods -

Spotify -

Shills and Mench’s:

www.swanbitcoin/bitten - Code BITTEN Code BITTEN





