In a world caught up in multiple crises (Global warming, a rabid election process, COVID-19, Systemic Racism), who is there to notice that Human Trafficking is continuing at a breakneck speed? My guests, Dr. Jessica Peck, a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner for over 20 years is not just paying attention, she is active in many different avenues to arrest this menace and keep it from continuing in society. She was on my show on June 6, 2020 and I invited her to come back with Holly (Austin Smith) Gibbs, who experienced trafficking as a child and has written a book about that experience, “Walking Prey: How America's Youth are Vulnerable to Sex Slavery.” She has received many awards for this book. These guests will fill in some personal experience and information to help nurses and other healthcare personnel to recognize children victims using a tool called PEARR, tell us what we can do about it and give us some hope in these dark times. Join us 1 PM ET/12 N CT/10 AM PT.