“What this data and analysis really provides is context around the conversation. … People are not shy when it comes to social media, and they let their opinions be known quite freely. So when they do that, we sort of try and put that all together, accumulate it, and really pull the insights out of it so we know what consumers would expect from a company and from their products, their services, and et cetera.”

– Kellan Terry, Director of Communications at Brandwatch

Welcome to OnBrand! In this episode, host Sarah Grace McCandless speaks with Kellan Terry, director of Communications at Brandwatch, a powerful research platform that provides vital digital consumer intelligence ranging from brand perceptions across marketing, sales, and service, to industry insights and the impact of events like COVID-19.

Social media makes it easier than ever to share opinions, connect with others, or make your voice heard. And for brands, the free, democratized data most of us post daily represents a treasure trove of insights for companies savvy enough to prioritize research and analysis.

But more often than not, even with publicly available information flowing freely, brands frequently ignore the abundance of opinion data in cyberspace. Important conversations are happening at every stage of the customer journey, but many organizations are not taking part in them, or even aware where most are taking place. That’s why innovative tools like Brandwatch are so revolutionary when it comes to uncovering insights to form connections, understanding your brand, and exceeding the expectations of your customers.

“Where Brandwatch really excels is defining conversations — making sure that the data you want to look at and you are analyzing is as relevant to you and your use case as possible. And then we have … tens of thousands of ways to slice and dice this data once you have the conversation that you’re looking at,” Kellan explains. “There is certainly a difference between data points and insights, and I believe that Brandwatch and our consumer research platform really expedite the entire process of taking data, pulling out data points, and revealing the insights within them.”

With a background in social media communications, content creation, and analysis, Kellan brings a wealth of knowledge to Brandwatch. His experience includes successfully leading in-depth social and public relations analyses around events such as the Rio Olympics, two Super Bowls, and the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Join us and learn more about how social intelligence can shed light on CX, including brand perceptions in global conversation and opportunities to create personalized, meaningful, and memorable experiences.

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