“You’ve got to be able to hand-on-heart believe in what you’re doing. It’s going to drive your whole team; it’s going to drive business results; it’s going to drive what we would consider impact. We’re always looking at ‘How can we create more impact in the world given our set of resources — our set of talents,’ and ‘How can we set light to your set of talents and your set of resources?’”

– Emma Barry, Global Fitness Authority, and Co-founder & Chief Creative Soul at Good Soul Hunting

Welcome to OnBrand! In this health-and-wellness-inspired episode, join host Sarah Grace McCandless as she speaks with Emma Barry, a global fitness authority and co-founder and chief creative soul at Good Soul Hunting. Over the course of their conversation, you’ll learn how to infuse passion and purpose into everything you do as a brand, what’s next for the fit tech and lifestyle industries, and about Emma’s new book, Building a Badass Boutique: Your 10-Touch Journey to Designing a Fitness Studio That Rocks. Don’t miss it!

Whether it’s crunch time at the office — or leg day at the gym — achieving big, important things means giving it your all. You can’t just phone it in and expect results. You have to stay motivated, passionate, and be 100% committed if you want to succeed.

That’s why it’s so vital to consider your overall purpose, goal, or mission as a brand holistically and allow it to inform everything you do. Not only will it act as a north star and help you stay driven to push through the roadblocks and hurdles ahead, your mission as a brand, and your commitment to it, will also help strengthen the connections you build with customers, as Emma explains:

“You’ve got to have a purpose bigger than yourself to get yourself out of bed on those days that you’d rather not — and let’s face it, we’ve had quite a few of those over the last year. So, it’s got to be that relentless drive that pushes everyone forward and unites a team that’s often disparate now. … Purpose is great for that; it’s the driving force of the business. Also, for customers … if you don’t have a purpose, they’re not a fan. They’re not going to buy, and they’re certainly not going to give blood, sweat, and tears.”

A fitness and lifestyle guru, Emma has spent the majority of her career at the forefront of the health and wellness world, as a founding member of Les Mills International and later as a director for the lifestyle brand Equinox. Today, she works with her company, Good Soul Hunting, to connect passionate people with purpose-driven health and wellness companies to scale up operations and drive collaborative growth.

Learn more about how and why the fitness, health, and wellness industry’s holistic approach to connection — mind, body, and soul — drives purpose, serving as a shining example for others as well, in this episode of OnBrand!

Episode Resources

Emma Barry (Twitter)

Good Soul Hunting (LinkedIn)

Good Soul Hunting (Twitter)

Good Soul Hunting (Website)

Building a Badass Boutique (Masterclass)

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