Linkedin launches crowdsourced news aggregation service, Forrester predicts B2B spending to rise 6.7% in 2011 and Chrysler’s reaction to a mistaken tweet with guest panelists Jeff Cohen (@jeffreylcohen) of Social Media B2B and Rick Short (@rickshort21) of Indium Corp. and its constellation of bloggers.   B2B Discussion Items: Linkedin Launches a Social Aggregated News Service…

The post B2B Social Media Podcast – Episode 6 appeared first on Eric Schwartzman.

Linkedin launches crowdsourced news aggregation service, Forrester predicts B2B spending to rise 6.7% in 2011 and Chrysler’s reaction to a mistaken tweet with guest panelists Jeff Cohen (@jeffreylcohen) of Social Media B2B and Rick Short (@rickshort21) of Indium Corp. and its constellation of bloggers.  

B2B Discussion Items:

Linkedin Launches a Social Aggregated News Service using its strength in professional profiling of its members. Are the opinions of other professionals more valuable than those of your immediate social circle? We don’t think so, but we’re nevertheless impressed with the longtail targeting of LinkedIn Today’s subtopics. B2B Marketing Budgets will Increase 6.7% in 2011 according to research by Forrester principal analyst Jeff Ernst (@jeffernst). Really? No one on the panel can quite believe this number based on their experience. Rick notes that industry averages are almost meaningless these days, since marketing budgets are so focused on micro-categories. Chrysler fired its social media agency over a misdirected, tweet with the “f” word in it by an employee at the carmaker’s agency New Media Strategies. Our panel discusses the company’s reaction and New Media Strategies public affairs person Lyndsey Medsker’s (@lmedsker) response

The post B2B Social Media Podcast – Episode 6 appeared first on Eric Schwartzman.