B2B Social Media Podcast #4 – Eric Schwartzman and Paul Gillin, co-authors of Social Marketing to the Business Customer — the first book devoted entirely to B2B social media marketing — discuss developments in and best practices for marketing to business customers online.   In this Episode: A surge in LinkedIn integration by B2B membership…

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B2B Social Media Podcast #4 – Eric Schwartzman and Paul Gillin, co-authors of Social Marketing to the Business Customer — the first book devoted entirely to B2B social media marketing — discuss developments in and best practices for marketing to business customers online.  

In this Episode:

A surge in LinkedIn integration by B2B membership sites indicates that its star is rising as the business social network of choice. A relatively new report says content marketing is growing in importance, but marketers are still struggling with creative issues. Traditional media like webcasts and even print advertising are called more effective than new social channels. Also, check out our FIR Live discussion with Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson from Feb. 16, 2011 and Eric’s discussion with Donna Papacosta on Trafcom News. Eric heads to SXSW for a panel Monday, March 14 at 9:30am with Nicole Simon, Kate Buck and Elizabeth Bellanti on Outsourcing Socail Media without Selling Your Soul.  And on Monday in the SXSW Bookstore, Eric will be signing books at 11:30am.

The post B2B Social Media Podcast – Episode 4 appeared first on Eric Schwartzman.