Eric Schwartzman and Paul Gillin, co-authors of Social Marketing to the Business Customer — the first book devoted entirely to B2B social media marketing, present the second podcast in our series on the developments in and best practices for marketing and engaging business customers online.   In this episode…   Alibaba has invested in $4.5…

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Eric Schwartzman and Paul Gillin, co-authors of Social Marketing to the Business Customer — the first book devoted entirely to B2B social media marketing, present the second podcast in our series on the developments in and best practices for marketing and engaging business customers online.   In this episode…  

Alibaba has invested in $4.5 billion in logistics. The exchange will take a cut of transactions brokered with its partners. This is a new role for an exchange and we wonder if it presages a new business model. Are you using Alibaba? We’d love to hear your experiences.  

LinkedIn has some new features, including a cool visualization tool that shows the relationships of people in your professional network. It’s early stage and not very useful at this point, but it’s another demonstration of how social maps can be applied to rich professional networks.  

Eric says it’s a proof of concept at best. He doesn’t see a lot of value in the visualization tool and doesn’t have the time to figure it out.

However, he does see a lot of value in combining relationships with geographic data to improve sales prospecting.  

A recent Wall Street Journal story documented the sometimes nasty surprise of session-based clicks. When buyers sign up for a pay-per-click campaign, they have the option of including session-based clicks in the mix.

This option may serve their ads against different queries depending upon the user’s previous behavior.

Some buyers are finding that session-based clicks can drive up advertising fees without delivering much value.

There’s a simple way to avoid this problem: turn off the session-based click option.  

Linkedin is also offering some intriguing new advertising options that enable advertisers to target all kinds of professional demographic and interests. Every technology has a downside, though.

Eric notes that these new features can also be used for poaching employees by enabling recruiters to target advertising to specific companies.  

Do you use Linkedin for professional advice and networking?

It’s the preferred social network for B2B professionals and we provide some examples of how it pays off.

Eric has been spending time in the B2B marketing group on LinkedIn and is impressed by the moderator who gently but firmly guides the conversation.

The post B2B Social Media Podcast – Episode 2 appeared first on Eric Schwartzman.