Facebook marketing tips and Facebook marketing strategies from Amazon, and Spotify, presented by Facebook partner engineer Simon Cross and Vincent Wermus.     These three companies are using Facebook to address a longstanding problem marketers have had with social media: Most channels provide no demographics on who’s listening.  Think about it.  RSS is a great…

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Facebook marketing tips and Facebook marketing strategies from Amazon, and Spotify, presented by Facebook partner engineer Simon Cross and Vincent Wermus.    

These three companies are using Facebook to address a longstanding problem marketers have had with social media: Most channels provide no demographics on who’s listening. 

Think about it. 

RSS is a great distribution tool.  It’s effective, efficient and cheap, but you have almost no idea who’s reading your blog or listening to podcast, and no what they think about it. 

These savvy marketers are using Facebook’s Graph API to collect basic demographics on their visitors and request permission for extended demographics in exchange for premium services that improve the functionality of their websites. 

When you have a rich make a market for your product and services.  

This podcast explains why the power of the Facebook platform is not so much Facebook.com, but rather, the connections, identities and interests of the network’s users.  

Using Amazon, Spotify and Qype’s Facebook integration as case studies, the talk suggests the social networking giant is much more than just a as dotcom destinations. 

It is a non-technical discussion of the Graph API, which can be used to let visitors bring their Facebook friends and interests with them to a website.    It is the second part of a presentation delivered at Le Web in Paris and his PowerPoint deck is available. 

The first part of the talk was gives Facebook marketing tips with Social Plug-ins.  

Prior to Simon, Facebook Account Executive Xavier Leclerc shared Facebook Marketing Ideas for using Facebook Pages and gave Facebook Advertising Tips.  

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The post Amazon and Spotify Facebook Marketing Case Studies appeared first on Eric Schwartzman.

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