Part of being a better you or version of yourself is not to only look at your mental, spiritual and emotional being but also your physical being

A lot of times, especially in Nigeria we feel like if there isn’t a problem why should we bother fixing it ?

We hardly pay attention to what we consume everyday? We don’t make it habit to eat healthy once in while

We don’t remember the last time we tried to get our heart rate up? Or went for a run ? Or even a stroll

We take so much advantage of our health and fitness. You don’t have to be overweight to order a salad or go for a run. You don’t have to be gym bro to lift weights.

Being fit and healthy goes way beyond that and would prove to impact your life wayy more positively than you would expect

Join me and my guest Bello as we talk about why you should care about your health and the benefits behind eating and living a healthier lifestyle