“The capacity of uncertainty to power change, you only really capture if at least you start, not because you know you can do it, but because you simply can’t bear the idea of not trying” Margaret Heffernan
In this conversation, I connected with Margaret Heffernan around the question of how uncertainty can power change. 
Margaret is an entrepreneur, CEO, writer and keynote speaker. She is currently a Professor at the University of Bath School of Management in the UK. Heffernan is the former CEO of five businesses and is the writer of six books. Her third book, Willful Blindness was named one of the most important business books of the decade by the Financial Times. Her TED talks have been seen by over 12 million people. And her most recent book, Uncharted: How to map the future was published in 2020, which formed the basis of this conversation. 
We talked about: Is certainty necessarily good and uncertainty always bad? When faced with complexity what should we do instead of optimising for efficiency? What could we build now to transcend a human lifespan? How do we form regenerative societies? 
To find out more about Margaret please visit: http://www.mheffernan.com/ 
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