In this conversation, I connected with Jack Du Rose who is cofounder of Colony, a decentralised autonomous organisation (DOA) which provides a platform for building organisations for the internet.
Previously, he was a self-taught jewellery designer, including producing Damien Hirst’s diamond-encrusted skull, For The Love of God.
I first connected with Jack a few years ago when I was running a company called 100%Open and we shared a fascination for all things open-source and distributed ways of working and organising.
We talked about a wide range of topics including:

If and how you can build trust and best work with people on the internet.
What decentralised autonomous organisations are and how are they different
Whether there a better system than meritocracy if you want to do good work.
The future of work post-pandemic and the impact it has had on Colony.
What to make of the hype around cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens.

So I started out by asking him, what are organisations for the internet and how are they different? Enjoy!
“It’s a platform that allows people all over the world to build organisations together online without needing to know or trust each other. For communities or groups to raise funds and collectively manage towards some shared objective.” Jack Du Rose
#open #organisations #opensource #colony #decentralised #blockchain #ethereum #futureofwork #trust #DAO #crypto #cryptocurrency #NFTs #reputation #jewellery #hirst