In this episode, we are talking all things magic.  I run my business with the moon, and 80% of my time is spent on energy.  20% is spent on strategy, and it has changed everything for me as an entrepreneur.  I am the coach people hire when they want everything in their life to feel magically connected and aligned.  In today’s episode we are diving into wealth energetics and lunar business cycles in a whole new way.  Have you ever put an offer out and felt A TON of pressure around it, and ended up melting down because it didn’t sell? Have you ever considered that maybe you were fighting with the moon?  Did I get your attention? Then this episode is for you.

Maggie Kitch astrology:
Maggie's website:
Maggie's IG:


Connect with Danielle and learn how to work with her!
on IG @danielle_onthedaily
Podcast: @onthedailypod

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