This December Full Moon in Gemini will bring all the impatience.  It will be typical to feel like everything you’ve been wanting you are losing patience for.  An “I want it now” moment will be typical. This full moon is attached to Mars, the planet of action.  So if you are feeling impatient, now is the time to get into action.  Let this full moon light a fire under your ass, and get moving.  That’s how you make December your best month ever.

In this episode we also talk about the complexity of being human.  How powerful and amazing is it that we get to experience all of the emotions that come with humanity.  For some, December brings up grief- I am with you.  This episode dives deep into that. Enjoy.

Quantum Leap Mastermind:


[1:17] Offers.[5:42] The full moon in Gemini and what this means for you.[7:34] The moon is also synced with Mars.[9:59] The complexity of what it means to be human.[13:23] You can't know joy without sorrow.


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