
Unlearn to Reframe 90 Minute Masterclass:
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[9:20] How Natalie's brand got started.
[14:46] Where is the brand headed next?
[17:08] You have to feel the drain to understand the need to change. 
[20:56] At what point did you realize that you had to break the rules?
[28:18] Finding your platform on the internet.
[31:01] If not the internet, how did you build your business?
[33:06] Authenticity in business. 
[38:21] Using imposter syndrome as a launchpad to success.
[40:46] Biggest "AHA" moment in business?
[48:43] If you have the desire, you are meant to do it. 
[55:38] Where to find Natalie. 


Connect with Natalie!
on IG: @nataliemcm
Podcast: Am I Doing This Right?

Connect with Danielle!
on IG @danielle_onthedaily
Podcast: @onthedailypod

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