Kelly Balch is back, this time with and entirely different episode. This time, we are talking about when in your business do you know it's time to level up, or shift, or pivot, or change direction entirely.  If you run a business, or have been wanting to stat one, and you've been feeling that  unmistakeable tug for MORE, this episode is for you.


[5:05] Getting out of your comfort zone.[7:04] Kelly taking a leap to the next level.[17:53] If you're giving your all and not getting it back, it may be time to move on.[22:02] Everything has cycles.[24:12] Kelly's photography from here on out, and balancing her energy vs clients' energies.[33:00] Yes you can burn the boat...but you can also rebuild it.[37:14] Everything you've done has brought you to where you are now, and where you are going.[41:43] People will tell you to stay in your own lane.[44:14] We are multi-faceted beings. [50:38] The only cap you are going to have is the one you put on yourself.[52:51] How do we know when it is right to pivot to something new?[59:08] Who you are showing to the world vs who you really are.

Connect with Kelly!
on IG @kellybalch

Connect with Danielle!
on IG @danielle_onthedaily
Podcast: @onthedailypod

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