Hilay is a feminine spirituality coach who works specifically with women who want to awaken their intuitive body and tap into the flow of attraction. She has a network of 14,000+ and has personally coached over 100 women. Her background is in behavioral psychology with extensive training in feminine embodiment, neuro-linguistic programming + life coaching, and authentic relating + circling. I’m this episode we went in on the real secret to attraction marketing, and how to use your divine feminine energy body to achieve new clients, new ideas, and a stronger business. 


[6:01] How did you get into this profession?[8:40] What are the masculine and feminine energies?[13:48] How does culture play into the view of these energies?[18:50] What is the feminine attraction?[22:58] Society puts us in our masculine the most - does this take deprogramming to get out of?[24:58] What about the people who are trying to "reshape" what it means to be feminine?[29:49] Do people have a fear of exploring these energies?[35:22] Become more polarizing - being neutral is boring.[39:45] How can this divine feminine energy apply to entrepreneurship? [46:20] How can we keep feminine attraction going?[52:20] Letting the feminine lead will let you know when it's time for the masculine to lead.[55:13] How can someone get started in exploring their energies?[58:57] Where to find Hilay.

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To connect with Hilay:
On IG @hilay.co
On her website: hilay.co

Connect with Danielle!
on IG @danielle_onthedaily
Podcast: @onthedailypod

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