In today’s episode I got to catch up with my two clients, Olivia and Marcy, who attended my Expand VIP Weekend at my home in July.  These two have QUANTUM LEAPED since leaving my home and making that huge in vestment in themselves, and we are talking alllll about it in this episode.  I have 1-3 spots left for the next EXPAND VIP WEEKEND, happening October 13-16, and if you have been craving an in person event that is guaranteed to change your life, this episode is for you.  

To Apply to Expand in October, please email my team at [email protected] or DM me on IG @danielle_onthedaily.

Olivia's IG
Marcy's IG


Connect with Danielle and learn how to work with her!
on IG @danielle_onthedaily
Podcast: @onthedailypod

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