Today’s episode is a Client Hype Episode with Coco Owchar.  Coco has been a Private and Mastermind client of mine since Spring 2022, and through our work together, as well as her powerful deep reflective work, she has BLOWN UP.  Since beginning our work together, and incorporating her human design into all parts of her life,  she has accomplished ALL THE THINGS: She left her day job May 31 to dive fulling into building all her own brands, she's had a 61% increase in income from her Network Marketing Business, a 131% increase in the number of students taking her fitness classes, hosted her first SOLD OUT retreat, started 1:1 coaching her own clients, and she started a group mentorship program for young women learning their own human design, to name a few. Not to mention, she has two boys that are off to achieve their own goals, and her husband finished writing his first novel. She is a machine.

In this episode, you’re going to learn the power of incorporating your Human Design into your life, and how that can support you in manifesting your dream life.  I am so excited for Coco ( and all my clients), and all she will conquer.  You’ll love this one.

To connect with Coco and learn how to work with her:
on IG @cocoowcharwellness

Connect with Danielle and learn how to work with her!
on IG @danielle_onthedaily
Podcast: @onthedailypod

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