In this episode I answered your questions from my IG. The questions were all centered around how to start a business. So I am sharing my top 4 tips for starting.  I also want to address the idea of “being stuck”.  No, you are not stuck, and in this episode I explain why.  Finally- we look at our mindset around HOW we are selling.  Why YOU must be the one to see the value of your product before anyone else does.

To access the Before Black Friday Black Friday sale- message me on IG! @danielle_onthedaily

Design in Mind Free Training:

Selling Fiercely: link here


[1:01] Offers.[2:53] Top tips for starting a business.[6:50] You are not stuck - look at the other possibilities. [10:22] "My clients can just google it..." - You don't know your value.[13:53] Growing your personal brand. 


Connect with Danielle and learn how to work with her!
on IG @danielle_onthedaily
Podcast: @onthedailypod

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