Swimmer and three-time Olympic gold medallist Petria Thomas has a message for all athletes - “You don’t need to cheat to be good”.

Petria joins us on the Podcast this week to discuss the role anti-doping plays to ensure a level playing field and how the process has developed over time.

“It [testing] is a part of being an elite athlete,” she says. “It’s not just about enduring the testing, it’s about actually being an advocate for clean sport as well and really pushing the message out that you don’t need to cheat to be good.”

She also discusses her role on ASADA’s Athlete Advisory Group and the importance of athletes being able to have a voice in the anti-doping world.

“Athletes are the biggest stakeholder in sport. They have the most to lose if sport goes belly up so it’s really important that they have a seat at the table and are heard and their feedback is considered in the way that sport is developed and run into the future.”

ASADA’s Senior Education Officer Cheryl Kalthofen answers a question from the public regarding the best way is to educate junior athletes about anti-doping.

Complete Clean Sport 101 here: https://elearning.asada.gov.au/