In this Podcast we talk about:

How Jen had such a highly successful launch of her first digital product How to overcome paralyzing fears and take action as an entrepreneur How Jen has grown her instagram account to more than 400K followers

What drives us forward? One word: Movement.

That’s been the story of Jen Esquer, a well-studied private sports therapist whose fondness of anatomy moved her to the lane of success.  

Being active since she was a young child, Jen has learned to love the specificity of body movement. From gymnastics to pilates, her extensive history studying anatomy and physiology inspired her to embark upon a meaningful path towards entrepreneurship.

“Get out of your own way, and things start to open up.”

Since discovering her purpose, Jen has made it her life’s mission to heal the world by empowering others to heal themselves. Now she spends her time creating programs, workshops and treatments that help keep the body in peak physical shape.   

“Take care of yourself, sit with your energy—meditate, work out. You have to take care of YOU first in order to be able to translate that out to other people.”

Find out more on what stirs Jen to action; listen to her talk about the biggest mindset changes she’s experienced, how a sound body is a sound base for a strong business and how she consistently lives her best life on purpose.
