Next Episode: Bonus

Show Notes: Bonus 9a

A Daily Practice with Heart and Mind


Begin the practice before opening your eyes in the AM

If you set your alarm, give myself an extra 10 minutes

Turn off phone alarms without seeing any notifications

Practice this, if necessary


Let in light and love

Steps in Episode 9

Use an image of the sun poking through clouds

Say a prayer or verse

Stay with this feeling as long as you like


Cursory view of the day

Glance chronologically

See all the events that will be happening


Look over the day a second time

This time hover more closely

Look at practical details

Look for helpful tips and reminders

Not a ‘to do’ list, it’s a ‘what’s doing’ list

Avoid getting too lost in detail, though do so if important


Pause where events seem hard.

Break into two groups

Don’t see how I’ll get things done

         Discomfort connected to people

See what you need to do to get through the logjams

Massive schedule changes can be saved for review at a different time

Save interpersonal challenges for next layer


Go through day again, looking with eyes of the heart

How I want to be?

Seeing interactions from the viewpoint of others

Work at places of discomfort

Reviewing ‘forgiveness’ in Episode 5

Finding a heart-based response > see Episode 10

If stuck, ask love to join you and move on


When days or lifestyles are more about being than meeting scheduled demands

Same process

Focus on feeling love, on carrying love


When finished with reviews, fill yourself with light and live the day


End of day

Before going to sleep, fill yourself with light

Glance over the day backwards


Stop where things went particularly well

Appreciate that you’re loved


Stop at moments that concerned you

How did you do

Non-judgmentally look

Think of ideas for similar situations in the future


Review situations that didn’t go well

Dissect them

What were the problems?

How could you have made it better?

How could you avoid this in the future?

Feel closure: you did your best

Save issues that need more time, and get to them when you can


When finished, fill yourself with light and love and drift off to sleep.


Notes on process

The day ahead is coming

The goal is to live fully and be in flow as much as possible

It’s about being you

Continued work has definite and real effects