Martin ‘50 Cal’ Stapleton is a Former Royal Marines Commando & MMA World Champion that now fills the position of Head Coach at SBG Rochdale where he is cultivating the next generation to come through the ranks.

In this candid interview, Stapes goes deep into how he has used his vast experience of life in the MMA World, and in War Zones across the globe to help him to create an unbreakable mindset in himself and his students.

From start to finish, this interview is packed with value. Martin is definitely a man ‘On a Mission’ and I know this will be a hugely popular episode 🔥


Goals and ambitions always seem daunting at the outset, but the key to success is in incremental gains. Take each day as it comes and focus on finishing the step you're on.
There is a value in being physically fit, but unless you can also temper it with mental strength, then your capabilities and potential will always be limited. Mindset is everything.
Our personal achievements are fleeting, but the real legacies are built when we help others. By enabling them and nurturing them into being their best, we create true impact and lasting positivity.
Everything happens for a reason, but the adversities we go through are there to teach us lessons. You recognise this if you wish to grow as a person and develop the right mindset.
Advice and guidance can't ever be a one-size-fits-all thing. True mentors know that life experience, or lack of life experience, can greatly impact the way we absorb and use lessons and guidance.


'Take things one day at a time'

'I feel much more accomplishment from helping other people than I do from helping myself'

'Success doesn't lead to happiness. Happiness leads to success'

'I'm a big believer in "this has happened for me" instead of "this has happened to me"'


On A Mission -  

SBG Rochdale -

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