Well, I did something different this week. See, I reached out to my old friend, Maureen Dunn Fetscher, to talk about her business, Mata Traders. We were best pals in middle school and then went separate ways for a long time. We’ve been in very loose touch, but we circle back about every 10 years… and this is our 10-year circle back. Maureen went on to become this impressive fair trade entrepreneur. She established her company, Mata Traders, almost 14 years ago in Chicago. The company has partnerships with women’s cooperatives in India and Nepal and sells their clothing and jewelry here in the U.S. It’s such a cool story. She spent her 20s and 30s building this business, which is thriving and doing so much good in the world. Simultaneously, she has evolved now into the role of managing partner and has hired a new managing director to run the day-to-day operations of the business. So, hers is actually a story of what happens after you’ve worked your tail off in your 20s and 30s and are ready to evolve. Also, p.s. she now has three kids - an 8 year old and twin 15-month-olds.

And Maureen reached back to me to suggest that we have a different kind of podcast - instead of me just interviewing her, she wanted to record our conversation. That is, a back-and-forth of me asking her questions but also her asking *me* questions. So that’s what we did. What you’re about to hear is really an unscripted conversation between two women who were middle school friends about 30 years ago catching up on work, motherhood, and spirituality. I hope you enjoy listening!

Find complete show notes at www.molleendupreedominguez.com