Abby Rampone is the Communication and Activities Coordinator for Call to Action USA. It’s an organization dedicated to reform in the Roman Catholic Church. She grew up in a Catholic family in Vermont, but really became committed to her faith while in college, so much so that she felt called to attend seminary. She just finished her Master of Divinity degree in 2020, and now she’s committed to full time work of change in the Catholic Church. They want to see full inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals in the Catholic Church, ordination justice for all genders, and anti-racist actions from the top down in Catholic communities. We talked about her involvement with Dorothy Day’s community, Mary House, in New York City, the Re/Generation Project to activate young people in the work of Call to Action, and why she says activists should not forget about charity when working for change. Listen in.

CTA's Re/Generation program:

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