On this week’s episode of Omonye’s Corner, I am having a discussion with 4 special guests on the topic of allyship! Zaynah, Ella, Fatmata and Edith join me to delve into what allyship is, the dangers of performative allyship and some tips on how to be a good ally!

Socials: feel free to contact guest and have further healthy discussion
Zaynah - @zaynah.z
Edith - @whereisedith
Ella - @ellambp
Fatmata - @fxtmatadx

Resources: Below are some valuable resources surrounding allyship recommended by my guests. Be sure to take a look and educate yourself!


This folder is amazing it has loads of texts surrounding black revolutionary thought and it’s been a great resource that I’ve learnt from.

An app to help you purchase from responsible, ethical businesses - the boycott link https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/buycott-barcode-scanner-qr-bar-code-scanner/id585933440

Instagram pages:

Things that allies do that are harmful -
No White Saviours Instagram Page -
