Automation, empowerment, and illumination – those are the three words we would use to describe GenAI’s impact on retail customer service in 2024 and beyond.

So Omni Talk is pleased to announce that Michael Connor, the Global Head of Consumer Goods for Amazon Web Services, and Shannon Flanagan, the VP of Global Industry Strategy for Retail & Consumer Goods at Talkdesk, joined Chris Walton and Anne Mezzenga for the latest installment of their Omni Talk Ask An Expert Series to provide their expert opinions on how retailers and brands should approach the application of GenAI to customer service.

Collectively the four of them went deep on:

- Talkdesk’s latest research findings on customer service and Generative AI
- Whom GenAI will impact the most – the retailer, the customer, or the service agent?
- Where we can expect GenAI to find its most immediate applications within retail and brand customer service operations
- And, perhaps most importantly, what, if any, roadblocks retailers face in adopting GenAI and how they can overcome them

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