In this episode we explore what each of us can do to secure Democratic victories at all levels in November when we can't engage in many of the activities - like canvassing - that we would be doing if not for COVID-19.

First, Antoinette and Lucas reminisce about a few beloved Austin institutions that have been forced to close as a result of coronavirus - and more specifically because of the GOP failure on testing - and how this relates to 2020.

Next, we take a look at the stakes for Texas in this election, and at why flipping the Texas House is especially important (one reason of many: redistricting).

It's also actually possible. As our friends at Flip The Texas House note, Dems only need to flip nine House seats to gain a majority (the same number of currently GOP-led districts that Beto won in 2018).

So what can we do today? Antoinette relays advice from a current Democratic campaign staffer about how to get involved in 2020 campaigns during staying-at-home, and Antoinette and Lucas run through a slew of activities all of us can do.

Where should you start? Here's what you can do this week:

1. If you don't know who represents you in the state legislature and in Congress, find out. If you live in Texas, you can do that here

2. Choose a campaign to make yours. If you live in a competitive district with multiple competitive races, choose the candidate you're most excited about. If you live in a solidly blue district, consider "adopting" a more competitive race in your vicinity and putting your efforts there.

3. Once you've figured out where to focus your efforts, get in touch with the campaign and sign up for at least one concrete activity you can complete this week. 

Let us know how it went by emailing [email protected] or tweeting us @OhThisWorldPod. 

We may not be able to get out of our homes just yet, but we can still get out the vote. Join us! 

Correction: In our discussion of beloved Austin institutions, Lucas accidentally referred to Threadgill's as being in South Austin, which is incorrect. The original Threadgill's, which closed in the wake of coronavirus, was on N. Lamar Blvd. 
This episode was recorded on Monday, April 27, 2020.