Every Friday, we'll follow up on our previous episodes from the week, and talk about what we're doing to stay grounded in this unsettling time, including sharing what we're listening to, reading and watching.

Today we started with an update from yesterday's episode on testing, and talked about how there is so little moral leadership in our country that the tremendous toll the coronavirus has taken here - 50,000 Americans are now dead - is not being treated with the seriousness this dark moment deserves.

We also re-visited the war on experts, and discussed how the small stay-at-home protests that the GOP tried to paint as a mass movement last weekend will be back this weekend (despite polling showing the vast majority of Americans oppose them).

When it comes to how we're staying grounded, Antoinette is turning to music. She recommended Yo-Yo Ma's #SongsOfComfort; the acclaimed cellist has been tweeting out recordings of himself performing using the hashtag, and has invited others to do the same.

Meanwhile, Lucas had somehow gone 37 years without seeing Stop Making Sense, Jonathan Demme's Talking Heads concert film. It's currently streaming on Criterion Channel and temporarily alleviated Lucas' frothing rage.

Calls to action:

1. #WhereAreTheTests: These are the four most important words you can say this weekend. As the GOP makes a second pass at portraying small protests as a mass movement, it's even more important we keep the focus on the real reason the economy is shutdown: the Trump administration's inexcusable failure on testing.

Take a photo of yourself this weekend in quarantine, post it to social media with the #WhereAreTheTests hashtag, and remind your friends and neighbors about why we're in the position we're in.

2. Let us know what is keeping you grounded during this crisis. What books, movies, music and shows are getting you through? Let us know at [email protected] or on Twitter @OhThisWorldPod and we'll share them. 

This episode was recorded on Friday, April 24, 2020.