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Experience: Creating two-way conversations with your customers

Inspiration: In-n-Out Burgers

Modern Day Execution: Kyle Lacy, CMO of Lessonly

Three Takeaways

Organizations need to have two-way conversations with their customers and their employees. The best customer experiences are those that allow customers to feel heard.Your employees are your most valuable resource in generating conversations. Companies with great customer experiences invest in their employees.Create simple, great experiences that allow customers to grasp the environment in which they are working.

Key Quotes

"If you make an experience simple and you make it great, I think you're winning.""There's a huge difference between lecturing and coaching. Coaching is working with someone and helping them do it. That's where real training and development happens.""You should be thinking about the prospect experience all the way to the first purchase, all the way to the second, third, and fourth purchase of the customer lifecycle.""It's easy to make something that's beautiful by eliminating constraints. What we're after something that's deeper than beauty.  We're after something that transcends. "


Kyle's LinkedInLessonly

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