Is there any better feeling than trying on a new pair of jeans and finding the perfect fit? Of course not. We have a whole movie franchise based on how great of a sensation that is (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, for those looking for a movie recommendation)! When it comes to staple wardrobe items—a good pair of jeans is at the top of the list. And surprisingly, we have the Gold Rush to thank for that.

When Levi Strauss moved to California in the 1850s, he found a community of men bonding over the hard labor of mining for gold and the constant chafing of their thighs. Though gold could be found in the river, Levi realized that an empire could be built on land. He started a general store and his blue jeans took off. Strauss provided a service that supported the community of miners, and he created something that could bring them even closer together. Our guest today is doing much the same.

Michael Gasiorek is the Head of Marketing at TrustToken, where he’s created an entire community that’s bonded over the only thing more powerful than chafing: cryptocurrency. He’s mastered how to foster a close-knit community between CX leaders and their customers, and he’s sharing how we can do the same. 


"Change is coming and it's going to ripple out through every possible financial sector. Money as we know it is going to change...I think it's going to increase accessibility to financial opportunity for all. It's going to chip away a little bit at the calcified centers of power. And it's going to really create more of a meritocracy around money.” - Michael Gasiorek


Time Stamps

* (0:00) Eureka!

* (7:16) Understanding crypto

* (8:54) How to build a digital community

* (11:22) Navigating the customer flywheel

* (15:46) Crypto is eating finance



This podcast is presented by Oracle CX. 

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